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Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) offer educational materials accessible free of charge under a free licence and make a valuable contribution to the design and further development of teaching and research at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

What is OER?

Open educational resources are educational materials that are either in the public domain or published under a free licence. This makes it possible to use them free of charge and in a legally secure way in teaching. In addition, OER can be edited, used, reproduced and distributed for specific needs.

OER include educational materials in any media form, such as graphics, videos, text files or entire online courses. They are made available on the internet via so-called OER repositories.

OER have been attracting great interest in higher education teaching for several years. Especially with regard to the growing use of digital educational materials, they have many advantages. Thanks to the free licences, teachers can integrate them into their courses free of charge and in a legally secure manner.

Further links:

General OER repositories

Are you looking for suitable educational materials such as graphics, videos or worksheets for your teaching? In the OER repositories you will find materials that you can use under a free licence.

In the German-speaking world, there are several online repositories where OER are made available for several different subject areas.

  • HOOU - Hamburg Open Online University
    The online platform HOOU provides OER on various subjects, such as computer science, information science, philosophy and psychology, social sciences, technology, applied sciences, history and art.
  • ORCA - Open Resources Campus contains materials on a wide range of subjects, including physics, civil engineering, business administration, architecture, psychology, design.
    The portal Twillo from Lower Saxony contains educational materials on subjects such as engineering, mathematics and natural sciences, law, economics and social sciences, humanities, arts and art sciences.
  • Virtual Academy Sustainability
    The University of Bremen makes digital courses for students on sustainability topics freely available on the platform Virtuelle Akademie Nachhaltigkeit.
  • ZOERR - Central Open Educational Resources Repository
    The ZOERR of the universities in Baden-Württemberg offers open educational materials on subjects such as engineering, humanities, law, economics and social sciences, mathematics, natural sciences and the arts.
    The search index for OER in higher education of the Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover (TIB) and the Hochschulbibliothekszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen (hbz) can be used to find further German-language OER repositories.
  • AI Campus
    Self-study courses on the topic of AI/AI with focus on: Chatbots and voice assistants, data literacy, AI in education, AI in medicine.
    Some of the courses can be used free of charge. However, they are not OER material.

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) shares university courses under an OER licence on the platform. There are mainly courses on technical topics.
  • MoodleNet
    The Moodle community shares OER Moodle courses on various topics. You can also make your Moodle courses available as OER material to other Moodle users via MoodleNet.
  • TU Delft OpenCourseWare
    TU Delft shares its university courses on the platform under an OER licence. There are mainly courses from the technical field such as energy, infrastructure and mobility, environment, water and health.

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Good practice at the FHP! OER in teaching

Here we present some good practice examples on the topic of OER in teaching from committed teachers at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

If you would like to publish an example of your teaching on this topic, please contact us at

The aim of Prof. Dr. Julia Maria Struß 's project module is for students to develop a prototype for an e-learning offer as an OER on the topic of automatic indexing for other subsequent students. This should also be able to be used and further developed by others beyond the project course. For this purpose, the teacher makes her own extensive scripts on the topic of the planned OER resource available to the students. The exchange with external speakers on the topic of OER is also important.

The students in the project seminar acquire the following competences:

  • Develop practical project skills

  • Deepening critical and analytical thinking skills as well as problem-solving and decision-making skills

  • Teamwork

  • implementing application-oriented project work scientifically

  • scientific and practical examination of Open Educational Resources

  • Development of digital learning materials taking into account OER and subject area material

The students, in the courses in which the OER e-learning offer is used, acquire the following competences:

  • Basic knowledge of automatic indexing

  • Methods and areas of application of automatic indexing

Good practice at the FHP! OER in teaching

Here we present some good practice examples on the topic of OER in teaching from committed teachers at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

If you would like to publish an example of your teaching on this topic, please contact us at

The aim of Prof. Dr. Julia Maria Struß 's project module is for students to develop a prototype for an e-learning offer as an OER on the topic of automatic indexing for other subsequent students. This should also be able to be used and further developed by others beyond the project course. For this purpose, the teacher makes her own extensive scripts on the topic of the planned OER resource available to the students. The exchange with external speakers on the topic of OER is also important.

The students in the project seminar acquire the following competences:

  • Develop practical project skills

  • Deepening critical and analytical thinking skills as well as problem-solving and decision-making skills

  • Teamwork

  • implementing application-oriented project work scientifically

  • scientific and practical examination of Open Educational Resources

  • Development of digital learning materials taking into account OER and subject area material

The students, in the courses in which the OER e-learning offer is used, acquire the following competences:

  • Basic knowledge of automatic indexing

  • Methods and areas of application of automatic indexing

Good practice at the FHP! OER in teaching

Here we present some good practice examples on the topic of OER in teaching from committed teachers at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

If you would like to publish an example of your teaching on this topic, please contact us at

The aim of Prof. Dr. Julia Maria Struß 's project module is for students to develop a prototype for an e-learning offer as an OER on the topic of automatic indexing for other subsequent students. This should also be able to be used and further developed by others beyond the project course. For this purpose, the teacher makes her own extensive scripts on the topic of the planned OER resource available to the students. The exchange with external speakers on the topic of OER is also important.

The students in the project seminar acquire the following competences:

  • Develop practical project skills

  • Deepening critical and analytical thinking skills as well as problem-solving and decision-making skills

  • Teamwork

  • implementing application-oriented project work scientifically

  • scientific and practical examination of Open Educational Resources

  • Development of digital learning materials taking into account OER and subject area material

The students, in the courses in which the OER e-learning offer is used, acquire the following competences:

  • Basic knowledge of automatic indexing

  • Methods and areas of application of automatic indexing