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Here you will find a current overview of selected projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You can filter the projects by departments and degree programs, by project type, or by content focus.

    Haus 1 der Fachhochschule Potsdam

    Analysis of House 1 of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

    Analysis of the energy demand and CO2 emissions of a refurbishment property taking into account sustainability criteria and thermal bridge calculations

    Vernetzen-Verstehen-Vermitteln: Amazonien als Zukunftslabor

    Amazonia as a Laboratory for the Future – Networking-Understanding-Communicating

    Starting from collection objects, overcome borders and create spaces of networking, understanding and mediation.

    Symbolbild Usbekistan Architektur

    Interdisciplinary at the Monument

    Transfer, innovative methods and research-based learning in practical projects for the preservation of the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan

    Zwei Hände, die bunte Pappfiguren halten. Die Figuren bilden einen Kreis.

    SIB-Social Space: Inclusively Confronting Guilt Distance – Development of an Instrument for Multiprofessional Case Diagnostics in the Social Space

    The phenomenon of "school distance", in the sense of an impressive form of exclusion, has so far been insufficiently researched at the interface of school and youth welfare. This project is dedicated to the topic of school distance from a basic research and an application-oriented perspective.

    Schülerinnen sitzen mit Werkzeugen und Bauhelmen ausgestattet in einer Werkstatt der FH Potsdam

    StudiPortal Brandenburg

    The StudiPortal Brandenburg project is funded by the Ministry of Economics, Research and Culture and aims to strategically combine the online and on-site services of eight higher education institutions in Brandenburg in order to increase the visibility of the study programmes on offer at national and international level.

    Gemeinschaftsraum im Neubauquartier „WagnisART“

    IGiQ – Infrastructures of the Common in Community-Oriented Neighbourhood Development

    Investigation of the potentials and implementation barriers for the realisation of "Infrastrukturen des Gemeinsamen".

    Handskizze einer Tabelle

    FL²@Int'lFlex – Research-based Teaching and Learning in an International Context

    Institutional and structural measures for strategic funding in an international context in the program of the German Academic Exchange Service "HAW.International Module A"

    Spielfiguren auf einer vernetzten Karte

    Current and Future Demands on Managers Based On a Survey of Experts

    Research project by Enrico Sass on the current and future importance of management competences.

    Gemäldecollage aus der Sammlung-Modebild

    Restaging Fashion – Digital Contextualisation of Vestimentary Sources

    The interdisciplinary research and digitalisation project "Restaging Fashion. Visualisation of Vestimentary Sources" (ReFa) has developed explorative approaches to holdings from the Berlin Art Library with its collection Modebild – Lipperheide Costume Library and from the Fabrics collection of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuremberg.

    Fahrradfahrende in einer Stadt mit grünen Bäumen und modernen Gebäuden

    SpaceForce: Affective Force Fields in Urban Space

    What makes urban places attractive? This question is both scientifically and politically topical in view of urban challenges such as population growth, rising rents and intensified social segregation between more and less attractive city districts.

    Keyvisual des Forschungsprojekts "Umweltbedingte Degradation"

    Natural Sciences | Environmental Degradation of Synthetic Conservation and Restoration Materials

    Acquisition – model conservation and restoration on selected examples – digital knowledge transfer